Monday, September 20, 2010

Roots by the stream

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water who sends out it's roots by the stream.  It does not fear when heat comes; it's leaves are always green.  It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. Jeremiah 17:7-8

Coming across a passage like this, it's difficult not to see the particular measurement of time, "a year" and compare it to our situation.  We are here in the Czech Rep. for a year, so what is this stream?  How can I remain ever-quenched?

Far before we made it here, maybe even before we knew it was Brno or even the CR, we knew that one of the most important keys to our success would be support.  The prayer many Christians pray when they know they're at a crossroads is, "Lord, shut the doors that you want shut and open those which you'd like me to walk through."  It has been the catalyst prayer for me and my wife through this whole process. God has used the support of so many to get us where we are today!  It's like he has handed all of you the keys and said open this or that door for the Pearce's. 

We found out that part of the application process was to raise $2,000 before we left.  The door stood locked before us, friends, family, rich and poor busted that door down.  The application process was fairly long and tedious, looking back at it we may have asked for an unreasonable departure date knowing now all that had to be done in time.  What better way for God to clearly throw a door off it's hinges than to have everyone from your Corps Officers, your DC, and especially the Missions Department at THQ (Hector, Colonel Judy, and Major Eloisa) not only help, but find a way to expedite and support the process in every way.

In an attempt to curtail what could go on forever, I just want to say thank you! Your support is an example of His love, and therefore a constant reminder to trust in Him. If you've prayed for us, if you've supported us financially, if you've shown us love in any way, then you are the stream that God has so convienently placed just to our side.  Just in reach for a refressing, (even though we're miles apart) just close enough to be assured we'll bear fruit this year!


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